Tuesday 9 October 2012

Research for College Magazine

College Magazine Survey
  1. Would you like to hear about local news in the magazine?
  2.  Do you want to hear about college sport’s teams’ progress?
  3. Would you like to hear about local events happening in the near future?
  4.  Do you want to know about college trips available for you?
  5. What times of magazines do you purchase and why?
  6.  Would you prefer to have a magazine mainly about college or to be a bit of everything
My research showed that my audience wanted a magazine that wouldn’t just be about college but other things as well. When I carried out the survey, it showed that my audience not only wanted to hear about local news, but local events which are happening in the near future as well. For example, this could be upcoming music gigs. Results showed that the target audience would not like to hear about the college sports team’s progress, this could mean that there would be a small feature about sport just for the people who take part or who are P.E students. Another popular demand was to be informed about available college trips in the future and any details that students would need to know about them.

I like how the main image covers up the mast head which makes the readers presume that it’s Kerrang. The cover lines on the far right shows what’s in the magazine in an order and the audience will immediately look to that part of the cover to see what is featured in the issue. It is not jam packed with text and images which makes it more eye catching and easy to look at. I may use these elements on my college magazine. 

For the main image I may take a picture of a student smiling with text books etc to show that the student is happy to be at Wyke. From this cover you can gather that there is going to be a double page spread about the woman shown, so I may include an interview with a student who has just left college giving any tips for first year students.

On this magazine, I like how the main image covers up the mast head like it does on Kerrang as it must be well established and well known. It presumes that the audience will know what magazine it is by seeing only a part of the mast head. I may use this element for my college magazine as people should know it’s the magazine for Wyke. I also like the position of the main headline as it is drawing the audience’s attention in.

On this example of a college magazine, I like the use of the left third where all the main features of the magazine are listed designed to draw the audience in. They appeal to what college students want the most, therefore it will bring in more readers.The main cover lines are in upper case which makes it easy for the reader to read and draws attention to the elements which are describing the main features in the magazine.

The Magazine is going to include
  • ·         Details about college trips available
  • ·         NUS discounts
  • ·         Info about college parties
  • ·         Info about upcoming local events (music gigs, festivals etc.)
  • ·         Ideas on how to be organised
  • ·         Double page spread about local news 
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