Thursday 28 February 2013

Contents page - feedback

After receiving some feedback from my tutor about my first two contents page the areas which have been found to be effective were the layout and use of colours. However, a few areas have cropped up which I need to add or work on:

  • No captions on pictures, could put some near the page number. 
  • No date.
  • No promotional gimmick or plug.
  • No address of the website.
  • Where the contents are listed could be a little more interesting. 

Thursday 21 February 2013

Contents page draft 2

For my second draft of the contents page I changed the layout slightly but I have kept the same conventions of the contents page. The font of the article titles has been changed and matches the front cover more than the first draft. I have matched the contents title to the font used for the headline on the final draft of the front cover which creates cohesion. I have kept the letter from the editor the same, I have just moved the position of it and the shape behind it. Overall, I like this draft better than the first as all the images used are my own own original photographs and it has a clear modern interesting layout which makes it look appealing to the reader and make them want to read the articles and features inside the magazine. However, I will make some further final changes for my final draft.